Thursday, July 25, 2013

Goals for this week...

Below are the readings required and suggested for this week from Angel.  I plan to read and watch the required readings and at least 4 of the 6 suggested readings etc... 

I also plan to go back clear up some of my comments from last week.  I didn't really give clear comments on a couple of the topics. 

Required reading
"Introduction: The Dawn of the Human Network" in Crowdsourcing, pp. 1-19. (Download content.)
  Required viewing
Podcast: Information Liquidity with slides and audio;  

Suggested readings, podcasts, Camtasia presentations. These continue to help you see how the use of the internet has changed over what has been a very short time. Pick a few and write about them in your Learning Journal.
Chapter 1: "Why the Groundswell and Why Now?" in Groundswell, pp.3-15. (Download content.)
The Internet Before Search Engines : from the 1990’s point of view.
Chapter 6: "Web Video: The New, New Thing," in Digital Engagement, pp. 112-13. (Download content.)
"Star Search" (from NPR's "On the Media" program of October 9, 2009; 7 minutes; discusses consumer ratings of products on the web)
 Crowdsourcing Evolution from YouTube 5 minutes by "the blogtv".

Security is interesting and has many issues regarding the business models, but more important for me is how and why these businesses are funded and what the sustainability of some of the startups are.  When you consider valuations of the companies, the longevity of the business model should have significant impact on the valuations.  However, right now, the most important part of the businesses are short term revenue growth relative to expectations.  I want to try and understand the expectations up front and then think about how the models evolve. 

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