Sunday, August 18, 2013

Business Model Canvas

Executive Summary of my business model canvas.

Value Proposition

The Value proposition is to offer above benchmark returns with below benchmark risk.  This is what we strive for every day.

Customer Relationships
The institutional investment industry has really gone to a two tier model with consultants driving so much of the work.  However, with key clients you have to go out and build those relationships regardless of the strength with the consultant.

Again, almost all money is placed via a third party search.

Customer Segments
I listed two segments for us as Small, Mid, and SMID and Large.  These are how are teams are structured but for us, it's also a little different segment.  There is more individual client money on the Large Cap side where as Small has very little individual money in the fund.

Key Partners
The big brokerage firms provide us research and trading and the technology providers enable our connectivity but also all of our data to do our analysis.

Key Activities
We research stocks and then we trade the ones we chose to buy.  I should have included trading there as well.

Key Resources
The analysts and PM's in the firm drive the invest decisions and their collective knowledge and experience drive the performance.

From a cost and revenue side, it was a little different since we get paid monthly on assets under management.  I just put in annual numbers to get a picture.  Yes it a very profitable company as asset manages usually are.  The biggest risk though is that one bad year and you could start losing clients.  You have to keep doing the work!!!

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