Saturday, August 24, 2013

Pinterest- Another waste of time?

Clearly one of the hotter social media sites right now is Pinterest.  It's interesting, because my even keeled, accountant wife is actually in love with the site too.  I asked her today to give me a tutorial and she got all excited and started showing me all the different options and how she keeps track of things.

The real question though, is this a viable business?  I honestly think they will need to screw this up somehow for it not to be.  Getting access to this demographic (women in their 20-40's) is a valuable segment.  It helps them catalog their creative interests and provides an outlet for them to share their creative ideas.  The real question is how to generate revenue off of this group without making them feel like they are being sold to.  I think they will be able to do that by maintaining that focus of helping users to share and catalog their interests.

Facebook has done a great job starting to monetize their base.  I am concerned though that users are getting ambivalent.  I know personally, my group of friends gets bigger, I get more annoyed at those that make bizarre comments and I want to skinny down my usages and friends.  That takes time, so I find myself using it less.

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