Saturday, August 3, 2013

What do I want to get done this week?

Honestly, my goal is just to keep my head above water this week.  I am gone next week and will have very limited access to the Internet.  So, I am trying to get ahead as well as deal with earnings season.  Earnings season for an investor is like drinking through a fire hose.  It can be intense.  My goal is to read and listen to all the required readings for week three.  In addition, I would like to at least skim or listen to a couple of the other readings/recordings/videos, we'll see.

It was interesting this week to be sitting at work and looking at a company that I had done some work on but decided not to invest.  The company was Garmin.  What struck me as add was Twitter posts were running through my news feeds at work.  Garmin was tweeting their earnings call and Factset had picked it up as news and was running through my feed.  So, looks like I am going to be doing Garmin for me Twitter assignment due tomorrow.  Very interesting.

I have read some of the IBM reading on moving from segmenting customers into groups but now moving forward with a segment of one.  This is very interesting to me and used to own a company that was in many ways trying to capitalize on that.  I will expand on this in a later post.

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