Saturday, August 10, 2013

What a week, and man am I behind

So, I spent the week with 500 teenagers at a camp on the Delaware River on the Pennsylvania Side.  I saw tweeting, facebooking, snap chatting, Instagramming, vining, etc...  I think I have determined what drives the constant innovation.  As each platform becomes more known, more parents go and start joining that platform.  Why, because they want to check in and see what their kids are doing?  Well, you get busted on Facebook, you switch to Twitter, then you get busted there you go to Instagram.  Finally, when you say screw it, I don't want to get caught doing anything, but I still wanna have some fun!!!  So then you join snap chat and think you have the whole thing figured out...  Then someone screen captures your stupid video clip.  Oh well, looks like you can't escape technology.  More to come!

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